KEEP GOING - tips and inspiration post January.
Jan 31, 2023We are getting to the end of January and I am wondering how those new year habits have been going.
Dry January and Veganuary are just two that seems to be now an accepted norm.
Everyone knows I love good habits and am all for giving it a go and the tweaking to accommodate our lifestyle.
It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
Better to take a small step than no step.
It might be time to reflect on what you are going to carry forward or not and if you haven’t started anything because the energy or attitude isn’t quite right then I always suggest waiting until spring time which is a sign of new beginnings.
Saying no and not doing much is very much a winter vibe that is equally useful for planting those seeds of change.
But I do have news to share and want to make sure the website and zoom links are all in place.
FIRST OF ALLI will be supporting an event at the community centre this Saturday 2-5pm with an organisation called the wandsworth/ community empowerment network. They will be talking about how they support health and wellness in communities and are looking to set up regular health clinics at the centre. The clinics are a place where people can get help and advice along with blood pressure check ups and starting a conversation about finding the best way to navigate the system for GP referrals and government support beyond the NHS.
Starting from Monday 20th Feb there will be two new morning On-Line classes at 9.30 am
I am returning to offering a free Finding Sleep session on the first Wednesday of Each Month beginning on the 1st March at 7pm.
I am also going to run a Sunday Stretch and Flow class once a month (except when there are holidays in the summer, Easter and Christmas time) at South Wimbledon community centre. The dates 26th Feb and March and 21st May at 1-3pm.
Morning practice class each weekday morning at 7-7.30 am has been my best new habit formed in the past 6 months. This regular practice has not just had a positive impact on my body but meeting up on zoom with others joining in is a great mood enhancer especially in these dark mornings. We are all happier for showing up each morning.
YOGA FOR MEN is a new class run by the yoga for life project that I help to support. This is On-Line and is a men only space on Thursday eve at 7.30pm. You can sign up to join through my time table below.
Returning to new habits, diet and lifestyle I really enjoy dipping into the ZOE science and Nutrition app. These episodes are very short and fact based on what works and what doesn’t. This week I listed to signs of an unhealthy gut. I agree with the presenter that its always good to ask how you feel, and if you feel good then it’s more than likely that your gut health is balanced. As we start to navigate new diets and committing things, perhaps fasting also its wise t know that gut health is personal to our own uniqueness. Not use our genetic make up but what’s going on in our lives, stress, quality of sleep, exercise, social behaviour, having hobbies, fresh air will all impact on how we process our food, what ever its nutritional benefits. I recommend these light hearted fact based easy to digest pod casts.
Lastly though, don’t believe what everyone tells you. In an age of internet advice and influencers this is a great listen on bbc sounds, the new gurus. Who are these people and where do they get their authority from. Each 30 minute episode explores a different theme that can shape the way we think.
All I am saying is stay grounded.
Deep breaths, take small steps towards knowing yourself better.
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