Bedtime Stories and how they impact on how we go to sleep, or not.

How do you go to sleep?

A big part of my sleep classes is simply talking with the participants about sleep. How we sleep and how to improve it. We often want a quick fix to a problem, a bit like a sticking plaster, and it’s no easy journey delving into the root cause of a problem. However I...

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How to Wake Up.

Meet my client Paulus, I turned up to teach him and he was very excited to share with me how this new book has changed how he wakes up. I asked if I could record him repeating his enthusiasm as its always better to hear a recommendation first hand. As a teacher I always think that we work better...

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Too Busy to Sleep? Mindful ideas to help un-busy yourself.

Something that often crops up in my sleep classes is the problems with being over committed and busy. Some people might call this ‘living a full life’ and there is nothing wrong with this at all. In fact isn’t it a desired to be doing a lot more of what we enjoy and being happy...

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Looking for Sleep, please read this lovely review.

It is always an honour when I am asked to help someone find sleep. Its essential to our whole sense of well bing and more often than not easier restore our relationship with sleep thats we think. Making time to  think about our actions and habits around sleep and then find a way forward...

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What having Covid has taught me, it might not be what you expect.

PART 2  - LONG COVID -adding to my blog below.

So I guess the story continues, everything is a journey of sorts  and after the period of three months post Covid and two vaccinations I found myself  struggling with fatigue and a few other things that are ticking the boxes...

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