How to Wake Up.

Meet my client Paulus, I turned up to teach him and he was very excited to share with me how this new book has changed how he wakes up. I asked if I could record him repeating his enthusiasm as its always better to hear a recommendation first hand. As a teacher I always think that we work better...

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Too Busy to Sleep? Mindful ideas to help un-busy yourself.

Something that often crops up in my sleep classes is the problems with being over committed and busy. Some people might call this ‘living a full life’ and there is nothing wrong with this at all. In fact isn’t it a desired to be doing a lot more of what we enjoy and being happy...

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Caring and Sharing in my Community.


This autumn I have begun teaching my community how to improve their relationship with sleep. I received a grant through Streatham Action and am part of a group of local residents helping our community to feel better. The message of the funding is by the community and for the community.


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Moving on, Mindfully.

A lovely student of mine has packed up, and sold from her home of 30 years and has moved to Scotland. Choosing to rent for a few weeks in an air b+b and taking time to adjust and make decisions.

Having had the experience of the big down size myself and selling my family home I understand about...

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New Moves for 2023

New morning, new day, new year, do something new today, even if it’s a not seen, a new thought or a new dream is a new start. Happy new you.

One upon a time back in 2019 I had this amazing year of travel. I choose to follow my dreams to travel frequently and carry out my intention of taking...

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Thoughts are real, right? How the yoga sutras of Patanjali can help us to understand mindfulness.

One of the first things that people say when they start to practice mindfulness is that thoughts are real.

To offer some help on this and as ever in yoga I turn to Patanjali and the yoga sutras.

You could say that the yoga sutras is in total a self help book, the original one.


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Is a bad mood a bad thing?

I always state in my mindfulness class that this is a practice of acceptance, its not about perfection.

I often ask the question do we prepare for mindfulness or are we being mindful.

There is no perfection on this, only knowing. 

Thanks to my students in class this week for sharing so much...

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Why Meditate?

I am penning this blog on Valentines day and if there was ever a day to send us into an emotional spin its today.

Love and romantic notion and two very different things.

Love is seemingly elusive but always there. 

A feeling. 

I do believe that once we begin to learn to meditate or...

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Mindfulness - whats it all about?

Take a minute everyday and just look around you. Name what you can see, hear, feel, smell, and touch. You can do this anywhere, you don't have to be in nature but nature does offer us something of a treat.

The video clip is an example of this practice. Just looking and listening. The skill is in...

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Raising Funds for Charity

I am an individual member of 1% for the planet and am a conscious consumer, choosing to make my money matter. Through the products that I buy and services that I use.  Making a commitment to giving at least 1% of my annual income to non profit organisations who help the environment and or...

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Ibiza Retreat

Looking back now in 2021.  I am even more blown away with the memories of being able to travel and to stay in this beautiful house. We might not be able to return for some time yet but I am very much committed to the work that myself and my team created here and how valuable it is. 


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The Power of Now

I was sitting reading The Power Of Now, by Eckhart Tolle in a cafe in Havana when the person next to me asked what the book is about. Simon is Cuban and genuinely didn’t have a clue about what I was talking about. In fact he thought that it is was crazy to have to have this concept of now...

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