charity meditation morning pages morning practice science of well bing yoga practice Sep 01, 2022


I started going to yoga classes in my mid twenties and was encouraged by my teacher to join a teacher training course very early on in my journey. I had a back ground in dance and I think he saw that I could at least do some of the postures reasonably well.

But yoga is not really about outwardly doing something, or at least that’s not why I practice. My journey is much more about understanding myself, a quest of inner peace and practicing a balanced life.

At the beginning of this journey I did practice on my own in my living room in the morning. Trying to remember the sun salutations, the sequence and the breath co ordination. Everyone asks if they are doing this right, I always say that you can’t do it wrong and recently added that its just a lunge at the end of the day.

Don’t stress it, just do it, or better still just be it.

One of the benefits of living longer is that you can look back on the journey and see that everything changes over time. Life gets in the way of practice, which is why I teach yoga, so that it has stayed in my life. I had to do it for others, so that I could do it for myself. 

However when we teach, it is a job and that changes the emphasis on practice along the way. We keep learning so that we become better teachers to our students but like those whom we teach we also have to make time for our own practice.

And like many people my commitment to this has its ups and downs.

When my daughter arrived, that morning posture session was replaced with caffeine and a rush which never really went away. Once my kids were in school I returned to self practice but not in the mornings. Caffeine and the constant sense of rush was my reality but I managed to practice mediation and time for reflection at the weekend. Saturday mornings became sacred time out for the whole family. 

A time to stop.

Now that my youngest has left home fully, post university and lock downs. All his things now in his  own place and also no longer having my little dog to attend to my energy has shifted to desire to practice postures first thing.

To bounce out of bed and roll out my mat.

I can be gung ho about things but I have learnt that energy is often not sustainable and rather than throwing myself into a big commitment, small steps will make lasting change.

During lock down I did the science of well-being course which I highly recommend. Fact and data backed evidence on what works in our quest to living happily. 

I learnt that making small incremental effort takes us closer to sustainable change.

Committing socially to the plan, tell your friends and family and get a buddy to support you in whatever you are trying to do.

Commit to time and place. 

Show up.

Know that resistance is a thing, but doing a little bit often if not daily will create a good habit.

Therefore I decided to commit to 30 mins daily practice Monday to Friday from 7 am starting from 1st August.

Each session being 10 mins of pranayama meditation and 20 minutes of gentle yoga posture flow based on sun salutations.

Although I am doing this for myself I offered the session to my students to join on zoom. I have show up, socially commit and I will give 10% of the fees paid to Kiaros (my local charity supporting homeless men and women). This is over and above my 1% to other social impact funds.

We are now 5 weeks in and I am enjoying it. 

The benefits are what I hope for. A stronger and healthier body and mind. After the session I sit in the garden, taking my journalling outside, watching the crows, cats and squirrels getting on with being crows, cats and squirrels whilst I reflect on being myself.

Added to the benefits is the joy of being social, meeting others in the class, something that is important for happiness.

I am not an unhappy person but I do feel happier for doing the practice. 

This morning I am sending £20 to Kiaros. Its not a huge amount but as I keep saying, small steps to big change. 

Committing to the intention and finding joy in action. 

I hope this inspires and motivate you to take up something new for yourself that will have lasting impact on your sense of well being.

Join the class here.




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