The Bull S*** of Yoga

bull shit yoga challenges life balance living mindfully relationships yoga yoga on instagram yoga teaching May 25, 2021
Sometimes I think yoga is just another form of control……………….
It can look like a crazy sense of identity…………
This is why I don’t identify with it………….I practice yoga but I am not yoga.
Strike a pose for the camera…………
I lost my mind but I found it, now look at how I groove, pressed up beside me reminding me why I do this for,  left to right, left left  to right (Anderson Pac Left to Right)
You could say, I left for my right!
Thats deep.
What I have learnt about myself though the practice of yoga is invaluable. Through this practice of yoga I have given myself space and time to learn about myself and my place in the life that I living. I understand my emotional connection to the life that I am living. My practice gives me time space to accept myself. To accept that I can be vulnerable to see the the worst of myself. Not to judge myself or others but to be self aware enough to know what feels wrong and what feels right. I am not talking about postures (just yet). My yoga practice has to be seen as my longest relationship that I have had. Like all relationships there are challenges and times when I want to throw in the towel. I can be enthusiastic about it and at times I really can't be bothered. Yoga though has held me at times when I have had no place to feel normal or happy, and also the space where I bounce with liberated energy.
My first yoga teacher encouraged me to teach myself. I was initially reluctant but went on to immerse myself in studying through teacher training for 8 years. 200 hours teacher training courses were not an option then then. These days I think 200 hours is a good start as one prepares for the life as a yoga teacher. A teacher has a responsibility to themselves to be the best they can be for their students that they are privileged to teach. I am invited to teach people, they find me, not the other way around. I am not a business, brand or product. I am Lisa and I teach yoga to people. It’s an honour and it's something that I love to share. We all learn from each other, my ability to teach well comes from learning from my students. They are part of my inspiration.
As a teacher I use yoga to express my love for life, my inspirations and my responses to life. Some experiences are strong, positive and happy, some are more challenging but I seek to find ease in everything that I do and with the people that I share my life with.
What works for me will not be others cup of tea.
Learning to stand on my head will make no difference to how I communicate with the world. I will just learn to stand on my head.
When teaching a group of 15 year old girls, they said “so miss in it like yoga makes you thin” ……..
By the end of the course they had learnt that yoga wasn’t about doing the splits but about been a better person.
My job was done

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