HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Holiday time is a mindset, right?

it seems that holiday time is all the time these days. So why not just go for it and make time to enjoy each day as if you were on holiday. 

Its a mindset isn't it?

The VIA Institute on Character has a test to find out what your top character strengths are and how you can use these in every...

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I started going to yoga classes in my mid twenties and was encouraged by my teacher to join a teacher training course very early on in my journey. I had a back ground in dance and I think he saw that I could at least do some of the postures reasonably well.

But yoga is not really about...

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Thoughts are real, right? How the yoga sutras of Patanjali can help us to understand mindfulness.

One of the first things that people say when they start to practice mindfulness is that thoughts are real.

To offer some help on this and as ever in yoga I turn to Patanjali and the yoga sutras.

You could say that the yoga sutras is in total a self help book, the original one.


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Is a bad mood a bad thing?

I always state in my mindfulness class that this is a practice of acceptance, its not about perfection.

I often ask the question do we prepare for mindfulness or are we being mindful.

There is no perfection on this, only knowing. 

Thanks to my students in class this week for sharing so much...

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Mindful Breathing and Resilience

There is now a lot of evidence based science around the benefits of breathing, which in its self sounds crazy because breath is life. It is the one thing that we all do. 

One of the things that my yoga teacher said that got me hooked on yoga was a Chinese saying that he repeated, something...

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A Question of time



So here we are at the beginning of  2022 and I am on my way into central London for my first day of work meetings and a  bit of  skive in waterstones book shop, on Piccadilly. They are playing 30's Jazz and it seems rude not to...

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Why Journal? The power of putting pen to paper.

I first started writing a journal when I was pregnant with my daughter almost 30 years ago.

Wanted to record my feelings whilst pregnant, the changes that were happening to my body and myself. It was an opportunity to reflect and capture a moment in time. 

I was also studying to teach yoga...

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Why Meditate?

I am penning this blog on Valentines day and if there was ever a day to send us into an emotional spin its today.

Love and romantic notion and two very different things.

Love is seemingly elusive but always there. 

A feeling. 

I do believe that once we begin to learn to meditate or...

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Eco Friendly Yoga Equipment

I am a big fan of these yoga mats. Using one has improved my practice significantly. The surface holds you steadily. After 30 years of practice this is without a doubt a significant up grade to my experience of life on my mat.

They come at a price, but they are worth it. 

Mine has...

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Mindfulness - whats it all about?

Take a minute everyday and just look around you. Name what you can see, hear, feel, smell, and touch. You can do this anywhere, you don't have to be in nature but nature does offer us something of a treat.

The video clip is an example of this practice. Just looking and listening. The skill is in...

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Raising Funds for Charity

I am an individual member of 1% for the planet and am a conscious consumer, choosing to make my money matter. Through the products that I buy and services that I use.  Making a commitment to giving at least 1% of my annual income to non profit organisations who help the environment and or...

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Closet Confidential – a life over haul
Ok, you out there, who has too much stuff, so much you just can’t even face opening the cupboards?  
It’s normal to put things at the back of the any the wardrobe or cupboard or our mind for that matter and it is going to take a lot of effort whatever the size of the...
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